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Servo driver / motor
SGDV type
SGDV-____01 Type (used by rotary type servo motor)
SGDV-____11 Type (used by rotary type servo motor)
SGDV-____21 Type (used by rotary type servo motor)
SGDV-____05 Type (Used by linear servo motor)
SGDV-____15 Type (Used by linear servo motor)
SGDV-____25 Type (Used by linear servo motor)
Equipped with INDEXER functional servo unit
Equipped with DeviceNet communication function servo unit
High performance, best purpose servo unit
Closed loop module
Security module
DC power input servo unit
Large capacity SGDV drive
SGMJV type motor
SGMAV type motor
SGMPS type motor
SGMGV type motor
SGMSV type motor
SGMCS type direct drive motor
Large capacity SGMVV type servo motor
ultra-small capacity SGMMV type servo motor
SGDM series
SGD7S/SGD7W series
SGDH series